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Remember the TV comedy THE GOOD LIFE on BBC back in the eighties? Well my parents loved it and I'm still reaping the benefits! It's about a couple leaving the rat race and becoming self sufficient. Classic TV.
Just done a wiki and it was first broadcast in the seventies! No I'm not that old, it must have been re runs that I viewed!
Big shout out to Mam who has worked soooooooo hard to provide a vegetable / fruit / herb paradise. I won't mention her age (because she would kill me if she found out) but if I have the same energy as her when I'm her age, then I will be applying for the next IRON MAN.
So I've been badgering Mam to grow herbs for a long time now, and finally she has come up TRUMPS. Topical. And she hates coriander and basil. Bless her heart. Chives. Parsley. Mint. Chocolate Mint for heaven sake! So lucky.
These are also currently growing:
Mixed salad leaves including ROCKETTTTTTTTTT
Runner beans
These are all nutritional POWERHOUSES. Organic. Fresh. Beautiful. I'm sure I've missed a few things but you get the IDEA. Growing vegetables is such an art and there are so many variables which come in to play.
Her next challenge is an orange tree and lemon tree. Yes I'm a rotter ;)
Most days I go out and pick mixed salad leaves and fresh mint, which really cuts through any salad. Fresh herbs for the multitude of curries I make, just lift them to the next level. I can't wait for the runner beans and various other delights.
This is a GOOD YEAR. This is THE GOOD LIFE
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